Imperial Stormtroopers were the most commonly known soldiers in the Galactic Empire, and were the first Stormtrooper units. They served as an ever present reminder of the power held by Emperor Palpatine and his Empire. They wore special white colored armor, that was designed to be iconic, and to strike fear into enemy forces. This armor protected them from any environment they encountered, however, would give the soldiers limited protection from blaster fire. These stormtroopers were mainly used to attack the enemy in overwhelming numbers and speed, in a attempt to overpower their enemy.
Each standard Imperial Stormtrooper was ussually given a E-11 Blaster, and were each equipped with an thermal detonator attached to the lower back side of their armor.
The Imperial Stormtroopers were first created as a branch of the new Galactic Empire's military in the months following the end of the Clone Wars and the fall of the Galactic Republic[1].

Clone Troopers made up the majority of Stormtroopers within the Empire's military until eventually being phased out.
They were created to replace the Clone Troopers that the Republic had utilized during the Clone Wars and would eventually become the main face of the Imperial Army, being recognized as the elite shock troopers of the Emperor. The ranks of the Imperial Stormtrooper were mostly made up of non-clones, such as humans, however a few Clones still held the position of Stormtrooper, being identified as Clone Stormtroopers, up until the entire Clone Army was decommissioned from the Imperial Army[2].

A platoon of Imperial Stormtroopers fighting a rebel cell on Kessel
The first Imperial Stormtroopers, like the rest of the early Imperial Military, was used to hunt down surviving Jedi that escaped Order 66[3] and to put down any major forms of resistance against the Galactic Empire, such as Separatist Holdouts. This first generation of Imperial Stormtroopers, which was mostly made up of Clones, would prove successful in putting rebellious organizations into submission[4], under the command of Imperial Officers and other high ranking Imperials such as Darth Vader. However, as the more human recruits were added to the ranks of the Imperial Stormtroopers, small bands of rebel cells would begin to pop up across the galaxy, most notably on Ryloth[5] and Lothal[6]. These rebel cells would eventually grow into the Alliance to Restore the Republic, a massive rebel movement against the Empire, which would spark the start of the Galactic Civil War.
Galactic Civil War[]
With the threat of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, the training of new Imperial Stormtroopers was increased in order to make up for the hundreds of Stormtroopers killed by rebel soldiers in the heat of battle. Unfortunately for the Empire, this would only result in very poorly skilled soldiers to take the place of the many battle hardened stormtroopers that fought at the start of the war. Despite this, the Empire did manage to hold off the rebels for some time, even managing to forcefully take control over any rebel controlled planets, as seen during the Battle of Hoth[7] and the Battle of Atolon[8].
Eventually, the Emperor would attempt to lure the Alliance into a trap on the forrest moon of Endor[9], hoping to end the rebellion once and for all, sending the elite Imperial Stormtroopers of the 501st Legion alongside various other Stormtrooper units, such as Scout Troopers and Storm Commandos. Despite this large force of Stormtroopers awaiting the rebels on the moon, the rebels would be able to defeat the Imperials with the aid of the native Ewoks. Along with this, the rebels would be able to destroy the Emperor's Second Death Star, and with it, were able to kill Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader.

Imperial Stormtroopers fighting the New Republic during the Battle of Jakku.
After this, the remaining Imperial Stormtroopers would join the Imperial Remnant to try and stop the rebels, which had reorganized into the New Republic, from taking control of any former Imperial space[10]. Eventually, after a year of fighting without a true leader, the Empire, and the remaining Stormtroopers, attempted to put up a final defense against the New Republic on the desert planet of Jakku[11]. The following battle would result in the destruction of most of the remaining Imperial Stormtroopers and Star Destroyers, resulting in the Empire surrendering to the Republic and signing a treaty that would force the last surviving members of the Empire to retreat into the Unknown Regions of the galaxy[12].
While in this exile, the Imperial Stormtroopers of the Galactic Empire would join with the Imperial Remnant to form the First Order, under the leadership of Supreme Leader Snoke. With the formation of this new government, the remaining Imperial Stormtroopers would become the first generation of First Order Stormtroopers[13].
- ↑ Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
- ↑ Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Episode 3: The Lost Commanders
- ↑ Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
- ↑ Star Wars: Tarkin
- ↑ Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Episode 15: Homecoming
- ↑ Star Wars: Rebels
- ↑ Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
- ↑ Star Wars Rebels Season 3 Episode 21: Zero Hour
- ↑ Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
- ↑ Star Wars: Aftermath
- ↑ Star Wars: Battlefront (dice)
- ↑ Star Wars Aftermath: Empire's End
- ↑ Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens